Last week, our friends and family gathered together to join 1,196 other participants in the AFSP (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention), “Out of the Darkness” community walk at the beautiful Botanical Gardens, here in Memphis, Tennessee. Our team “Sidney’s Soldiers” raised, $1,347 of the $55,677.83 donations for the AFSP’s mission to save lives and bring hope to those affected by suicide.
I want to personally thank all those who donated, and walked with us for this very personal and meaningful cause. Thank you to Monica Litt, Dan Grabel, Paula Miller, Jodie Faber, Rob, Amy, Gordon, and Millie Brode, Blair Jones, Josh, Rachel and Alaina Feinman, Julia Wood and Kevin James, Jennifer and Isaac Bear, Carolina Melul, Jaynie Judaken, Scott, Shelly, and Eli Ostrow, Dan, Keri, Sarah and Micah Unowsky, Greg, Darci, Anna, John, Charlie, and Mary Caesar, Pat and Barb Caesar, Nadine Golden, Lauren and Jillian Tochner, Melinda Cassius, Michael and Samantha Schmidt, Alex, Lennox and Jullien LeVine Miller, Isabella Gadberry, Stephanie and Jeremy Weiser and kids, Susan and Paul Stein, the Newstok family, Mindy Cooper Tramel, the Shapiro Family, The Sidney Kay Foundation and Beverly Kay. We could not have done this without your support. With this being our first walk, I didn’t know what to expect, it ended up being a beautiful tribute to all those affected by suicide, here in the Mid-South.
Please let me know when you have another walk as I would like to join in. Thank you!
Thank you for your comment, Terri! There will be another “Out of the Darkness” walk next year in Memphis, although, walks are continuously happening in other cities across the country. We will post prior to joining next years walk. Donations to AFSP through Sidney’s Soldiers are still being accepted through December.